Rules for a Proper Governess by
Jennifer Ashley
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
Completion Post - Week 9
Space: 78
Rules for a Proper Governess by
Jennifer AshleyPages: 320
Qualification: Mackenzies & McBrides #7
Read: 3/24/22
Rating: 3.5 stars
Review: You know how you want to fall in love with a book, but you just really end up being good friends? That was this book for me. I liked Bertie. I did. She was spunky and was trying to make a better life for herself. And she had some bad circumstances to overcome. I think the miss for me was Sinclair. He was grumpy, with a hard outside and a marshmallow inside. That's usually ok. But something just wasn't true love forever with him.
I still enjoyed the story, and I'll keep on with the series. It just wasn't my favorite. 3.5 stars. Sorry, book. It's me, not you.
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