The Secret of Red Gate Farm by
Carolyn Keene
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
Nancy, Bess, and George save the day again (well, mostly Nancy). This time, they help a virtual stranger save their farm. Do you know three more "do-gooder" girls out there? Because I don't.
This time, Bess buys some perfume and it kicks off a mystery. Nancy is approached on the train based on the perfume scent, which really confused me because I would never be able to identify a perfume on someone. Oh, is that sparkling waters you are wearing? No, not me. But some random dude can? Please, Miss Keene. You are better than this plot line.
Anyway, they meet a girl who needs a ride, and a job, and Nancy is there to save the day. She really is the original Mary Sue. A guy stalks them, they go to the farm, they meet a cult (yes, a cult) and then they infiltrate it. Why would you expect anything else? Guys flirt with Nancy, as usual, and she saves the day.
And they all lived happily ever after. 3 stars.
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