My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I love reading books about addiction. It reminds me not to fly too close to the sun. Anorexia, alcohol, drugs, really anyone's dance with the dark side. Drinking: A Love Story, has been on my TBR shelf for years and I finally picked up a copy to read.
Caroline Knapp's story is a familiar one. She was a high-functioning alcoholic who finally decided where her elevator stopped before crashing to the ground. From the outside, many people thought she was fine. Her family and friends knew she needed help, but help only comes when you are ready to accept it. Knapp doesn't have major screw-ups that often lead people to their rock bottom, but she was smart enough to know when to get help, and she's stayed on track. Kudos to her for finding the strength to do it.
Disjointed at times, Knapp keeps the reader at arm's length and you don't necessarily feel her pain like you do in other memoirs. Read it if you enjoy a successful journey to recovery. Three stars.
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