My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I love this series, and even more as Bernie grows into her own as a cop. And finally we get to where I want them all to be by the end.
Joe is keeping his hand in, even in retirement. We get just enough of his amazing brain as he helps guide them to the right answer. He's doing his investigation on the side, and it helps tie everything together, as usual. Jim is still impulsive and does what it takes to solve it all (with help) and finally be honest with Bernie so we can stop this ridiculous dance. Jim, you are so awkward, but we love you. Don't let me down in the next book. And Bernie is trying to settle into her new position with Border Patrol, but you know her heart belongs to the Rez and to Jim, and she will eventually end up where she is meant to be.
Looking forward to the next installment across the Navajo Nation. Rating this one 3.5 happy stars.
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