Physical Education
This week we each read an arts book from one of the subtopics we laid out for
Reading University. Our subtopics needed to fit one of the following criteria:
Baseball - fiction or non-fiction book about baseball or a baseball player
General Sports - fiction or non-fiction book about any sport other than baseball
Olympics - fiction or non-fiction book about the Olympics, an Olympian, or any Olympic sport
Sports History - fiction or non-fiction historical book involving any sport
Books Selected:
Zach (Sports History - Mountain Climbing)
Ghosts of Everest: The Search for Mallory and Irvine by Jochen Hemmleb
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The story of the expedition to find Mallory and Irvine who lost their lives attempting to first summit Everest in 1924. This book is full of cool facts and pictures, and has a lot of climbing history.
There is also a picture of Mallory's frozen body, so NSFW. It was pretty chill to see a corpse. Get it,
chill? hahaha
Michelle (Sports History - Mountain Climbing)
The Mountain: My Time on Everest by Ed Viesturs with David Roberts
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
If you are Ed Viesturs's mom, look away now. You may not want to read this...
I love reading travel and adventure memoirs. Reading about places that I may never get to visit, dangers I may never get to experience, and people I may never get to meet makes me feel a little more well-rounded. I have armchair traveled to Everest several times and thought I would enjoy this book, so I bought it without reading anything about it.
Ed Viesturs comes across as strangely unlikeable and a bit of an ass. He was featured in the Everest IMAX documentary and he didn't seem that way in the movie, so I have to attribute it to the weird combination of using a co-writer whose voice differed so greatly from the voice in Viestur's climbing diaries. The entire book reads as one huge humblebrag. He sprinkles stories of climbing history, his attempts on Everest and other 8000s, and adventures of other climbers he has known and worked with throughout the book. His diary entries made me think, "I'll bet this guy is insufferable at parties. He thinks he's amazing." I get it; you are brave and have successfully reached the summit several times--no small feat. I would never, ever attempt such insanity, as I hate to be cold and am a bit afraid of heights. He seemed critical of some of his peers and a bit smug about the decisions he would have made in those situations, as if his superior judgment is why he is alive today while so many others have perished. But Ed, mountain climbing is an inherently dangerous sport. If you have not had an unfortunate accident, I believe it is a matter of luck, not skill. Mother Nature can and will take you out at anytime, so count your blessings.
I did enjoy all of the stories about various summit attempts on Everest, and would still recommend to people who love adventure and climbing. But Viesturs's writing definitely annoyed me. I have a copy of another one of his books, "No Shortcuts to the Top," and I will give it a try. Hopefully it is less of a humblebrag and more of a collection of entertaining climbing vignettes. One more chance, Ed, one more chance. Don't let me down!
Maddie (General Sports - Mountain Climbing)
Following Atticus by Tom Ryan