My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Amazingly, I am rating this book 3 stars. Don't get me wrong, it has typical Cartland nonsense in it. But either I'm in a decent mood or it's better than some of the rest, because I didn't want to throw my book a single time.
I think it's because the main character, Anastasia, is smart and a decent human being. So many of Dame Barbara's heroines are weak, wilting flowers with barely two brain cells to rub together. It's nice when there is a smart, confident woman in the story. She's surrounded by dummies (her mom is the worst) but it made the story bearable.
3 surprised stars. I'm sure the next one will be a huge stinker, though. Hey, when you churn out 800 romance novels in your lifetime, the majority of them have to suck.
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