My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Do you like relationships that start from a very bad beginning? Then do I have the book for you! You are about to enter a world of ridiculousness.
Julian and Deb are forced into a marriage in the middle of the night. She's 12 and drugged up on laudanum so she has no memory of this night. He's 16 and drunk, but remembers it quite well. They are married, and then he is whisked away on a Grand Tour. Years pass, and then a meet-cute happens in the woods. He's been stabbed in a duel; she is secretly playing music with her nephew. Sparks fly as she bandages him up. Unbeknownst to them both, it's their spouse! He finds out, she doesn't, and he marries her all over again. And this is actually where the story gets rolling. All of this nonsense happens in the first chapters.
You see, this whole book is ridiculous. If you think I'm making this all up, go get yourself a copy and discover just how crazy this whole plot gets. Despite all of the insanity, I'm actually going to give this book 2.5 stars. Not sure that I'll read the others, but maybe. Sometimes I'm just like that.
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