My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Why do I keep reading books from this series? My only excuse is I got them for free, I guess? No clue.
Not good writing. The characters are ridiculous and I can't bring myself to get emotionally invested in any of them. Now, please keep in mind I started with book 7, then jumped to book 3. Maybe if I started with book 1 like I should have I would not be rolling my eyes so hard. But I doubt it. These books are silly. The men are even more ridiculous than the women, and the premise of this one is possibly worse than the first one I read. It made me rather fondly think of Opal because Violet was a real stinker.
Ben wants a mail order bride. Lettie writes his letters for him and reads them because he is illiterate. Ok, not judging. But she loves him, he loves her, and there is some nonsense about her live in / husband / outlaw, a pie contest that is a total sham (I mean, seriously, with that reveal I almost threw the iPad across the room) and other assorted stupid plot lines that I can barely remember 2 days later. All the hallmarks of a terrible book. And a hidden identity plot that even a blind person could see a hundred miles away.
I must have done something terrible in a past life as a mail order bride because I just keep reading them. If you love mail order bride stories, I have many others I can recommend, but stay away from this series unless you like nonsense.
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