My rating: 1 of 5 stars
My goodness, but this book was a chore to get through. The dialogue, the characters. I kept hoping a hurricane would sweep the whole town off the map, but alas, no weather incidents this time.
Jenny is going through a rough divorce and is staying with her aunt. She is crushing on the Sheriff, but not really, and they fight. All. The. Time. So you just know it is going to be true love always. I'm guessing around book 3. Anyway, a dead man is found on the beach and her hippie artist aunt Star is taken in for the crime. Of course she didn't do it. Of course Jenny investigates it and sticks her nose where it doesn't belong. Haven't you ever read a cozy?
And a lot of nonsense happens, the crime is solved in an unbelievable way, and I knew who was guilty but I didn't know why. Because there were no clues to lead us to a motive. And that is why this book gets 1.5 stars. I won't be taking a return trip to Pelican Cove.
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